The Privacy Academy.
The Privacy Academy (TPA) is a creation of Privacy Network and Academy Ltd – a limited liability company registered under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to provide high-level certification courses and training based on Nigerian privacy and data protection law and practice.
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The Academy is an educational institution founded principally as a platform for privacy training and capacity building for stakeholders in the Nigerian data protection ecosystem. Registered in March 2023, the Academy was founded to develop a specialised curriculum and research activities around the peculiar Nigerian privacy and data protection law and practice.
On completion of the course, participants are awarded two certificates: one for participation and the other after assessment. Being an institution acknowledged by the Nigerian Data Protection Authority during its registration stage, the certificates issued are recognised within Nigeria and beyond. After the assessment, the certificate issued entitles participants to use the following acronyms after their names:
Certified Associateship - CAPA
Certified Membership - CMPA
Certified Fellowship - CFPA
Our Courses
Accelerated Associateship
This is an entry-level course which offers participants basic but detailed training modules on varying areas of privacy and data....
Accelerated Membership
As an intermediate course, participants are exposed to practical skills and knowledge of privacy and data protection practice in Nigeria.....
Accelerated Fellowship
This is a specialized course designed for high-level privacy professionals offering them an intensive and advanced....